Candidate shall undergo a course of professional study in a College of Nursing or in any institution maintained by or affiliated to University of Kerala, for not less than four academic years from the date of admission of the student and internship for a period of one year as per State/University policy.
General rules
1.   Students must be regular and punctual.
2.   Students must maintain discipline in the college, campus, hospital, hostel and in public places.
3.  Students must refrain from disfiguring walls and furniture and from other objectionable practices.
4.   Attendance:
        All students have to sign in the daily attendance register. Students with attendance below 75% will not be         allowed to write examinations.
5.   Special leave:
         Permission letter from parent should be produced along with leave request by the student.
6.   College working time is from 8 am to 4 pm with lunch break 1-2 pm.
7.   All the students are expected to use uniform. They should present themselves with a neat and tidy       appearance.
8.  Visitors are not permitted in the college and hospital.
9.   The institution will not be responsible for theft or loss of any personal possessions of the students.
10. Books are to be used with extreme care. If the book issued to any student is lost or damaged it should be      replaced.
      Six weeks vacation/Holidays per year. Holidays will be planned by the Curriculum Committee as per the       availability of the working period.

To provide opportunities which would enable the student to function as an effective individual.
To provide excellence in all fields of health care education.
To prepare a professional and technically skilled nurse competent to give comprehensive nursing care to an individual, his family and a community in illness and wellness.
To instill and develop a genuine feeling of compassion for the patients and their families.
To prepare the students with guidance to take up leadership positions in teaching and nursing practice in hospitals and community health agencies.
To acquire an exemplary steadfastness to principles and moral values so as to lead a life of honesty and integrity.
To provide opportunities and experiences, which would enable the student to develop and maintain effective interpersonal relationship with professional and non-professional personnel.

At the completion of the course the graduates are expected to:

Have a broader concept of the fundamental principles of quality nursing care, and demonstrate skills in providing nursing care to people of all age groups based on principles of physical, biological and behavioral sciences in an institution or in a community setting.
Develop a team spirit by working with other members of the health care team in the promotion of health, prevention of illness, restoration of wellness and alleviation of suffering.
Demonstrate leadership qualities and decision making abilities in various nursing situations.
Demonstrate skill in excellent nursing care, teaching and supervising skill in hospital and in community settings.

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